Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Theft Update

Hooray !!! Got the money back and we can now access online and telephone banking again. My husband went into the branch and they told him '' they have no idea how these people keep doing this'' which suggests that it is an ongoing problem. So no news unfortunately as to who/why and where these culprits are. My husband is in the process of opening a new bank account elsewhere as we have now had about 3 fraud incidents over the last few years with the same bank. The new account offers an easy switch service which will transfer all the direct debits/bills etc and promises to be a stress free process, we shall see !!


  1. That was quick but I'm shocked to hear it's the third fraudulent attack on your account.
    It wasn't the Halifax, was it? My poor dad's account got ransacked there a couple of years ago despite him never revealing any details or even using a card. x

  2. Yes it was Halifax, previous fraud includes buying mobile phones in Manchester and withdrawing cash in Tunisia so enough is enough ! The new account will be open im a few days then he will move over asap.

  3. Hi Miss Piggybank
    Glad you got the pennies back.Probably a good idea to change banks now.Love what you done to the dress such a good idea love it
    I have changed my blog name x Mrs Everyday

  4. We have everything in the Halifax.

    Maybe time to think again.

    Thanks for letting us know.

    Sft x
