Saturday, 12 March 2011

Frugal Disapointment

Well... after Mom's Taxi last night we noticed that the tyre on the car had a new accessory, a nice shiny nail stuck in it! So this morning we took the car into the garage. The nice man put the spare on and is going to see if the old tyre can be repaired. If so the repair will cost about £20. If it can't be repaired it will be a new tyre, £40 upwards?
We decided to claim the freebie corned beef from the supermarket in town. We already had to go into town to collect an undelivered parcel from the post office so decided to make one trip to save time & fuel. The new supermarket gives 3 hours free parking so another little cost saving there. Unfortunately it had run out of corned beef,such was the demand yesterday ! I resisted temptation to buy anything ( albeit I did have to buy the newspaper to get the free Alton Towers voucher).The freebie corned beef coupon expires today so unless we chance upon another store we won't be able to take advantage.
My daughter and I went to visit our friends this afternoon. She played with my friends children in their big garden for a few hours ,had a great time and we didn't spend a thing.I was able to catch up with my friend and helped to demolish the lovely biscuits she had.
Husband and I have a longstanding engagement tonight, we are going for a meal with some friends which we are both looking forward too.To be honest it is extra expense but it has been put off before due to illness. After this we haven't really got anything else expensive lined up so will just enjoy tonight then re concentrate our frugal efforts.

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