Saturday, 20 July 2013

Pizza Disappointment

I am cross with myself today. Last night I was weak and bought a takeaway pizza , £10 ( yes I know ! ) and it was rubbish. I only have myself to blame but it was a busy day. We have all been there but I am still cross and feel yuk today :-(


  1. That's happened to me too and I get so cross with myself. I do now have a couple of £1 pizzas that we like from the supermarket as back up in the freezer.

  2. Busy days and feeling tired are the biggest enemies aren't they!

    That's when Mr Sft suggests fish and chips. Now I will say NO! But I haven't in the past so I totally get where you are coming from.

    Just put it down to experience, it's good that you are cross, it means it won't happen again and you can spend that £10 on something nice.

    Sft x

    1. I often say no to fish & chips as I'm not that keen, the exception is at the seaside they seem to taste nicer but its probably the sea air !

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, I don't know if I'm more mad about eating rubbish or wasting the £10 !

  4. I've done that with a Chinese take away after a busy day and by the time Ive crawled home and plonked myself on sofa its so tempting isn't it? Like you I was cross and vowed it never to happen again!
    I think we need to be more kind to ourselves sometimes xx

    1. Its so easy done isn't it ? I'm glad I'm not the only one !!

  5. I've also done this with a chinese takeaway....We all feel stuffed and bloated afterwards and it's never very nice lol...and then we keep waking up wanting a drink due to the amount of salt in the meal......why oh why do we do it?
