Thursday, 6 December 2012

Christmas Parties

Hi folks and hope you are well. Christmas party season has kicked in and parties will be taking place up and down the country for the next few weeks. At my workplace we are never given a party or any kind of 'doo'. The most they go to is leaving half  hour early on Christmas Eve, subject to your managers discretion of course. A group of colleagues always organise a night out, usually book up in the summer and then attend in December. This year our 'doo' is tomorrow night. In principle I like to catch up with people. Although you can work with people you can't always , nor want to , socialise with them outside work. This group I am going with all get a long and it can be a good evening but now it is upon me I don't feel as enthusiastic as I did earlier this year. I have been recovering from the usual nasty winter tummy bug and feel tired and fed up. Plus I don't have much cash to spend and I know for a fact the drinks can be very expensive. The sticking point is the cost of my ticket, which has been spread through the year bit its still enough that I don't want to write it off. Now for the party itself I am not the type to dash and buy a new outfit especially , I dig something out the wardrobe. Likewise with the hair I wont be having a blow dry at the salon beforehand so no extra costs there. I have a lift there and back so no taxi money is needed. I am thinking of just going for the meal and then coming home shortly after. Now after a few vino's I'm sure I will be met with cries of 'spoilsport' by my friends but like I said I don't want to write the meal off. Its a three course meal with coffee and mince pies after ( and I have chosen roast beef, yum yum ). Like a lot of people I have so much on these next few weeks and I don't want a huge expense. I think I will dine and dash !


  1. Next week are the Christmas parties for us, going to both only because its a free meal, otherwise we would pass as well!!

    Gill in Canada

    1. My husbands is free but I bought my ticket so I want my meal !!! I almost sold the ticket earlier but my colleague then changed their mind, I got quite excited about a possible refund !

  2. I've been on nights out in the dim and distant past where others have wanted me to pay a considerable amount for my ' share of the wine' - wine I didn't drink as I'm teetotal. Dine and dash sounds like a good idea - if they call you a spoilsport you could always tell them your tummy is playing up again and you don't want to infect them!

    1. I might just get one drink from the bar and ask for a jug of water at the table.
